Renting vs. Owning a Home: What’s the Difference?

Renting vs. Owning a Home

You decide to move out of home.

You grab your best mate, you trawl, go to countless inspections, and fill out innumerable applications before you’re finally accepted. You pay your bond, book your moving truck, and you’re in.

To begin with, renting seems great. You pay your rent each week, you’ve got your own space, and if anything goes wrong, you call your less-than-helpful agent who eventually fixes it for you.

However, it eventually dawns on you that the home you made is not actually your home. You can’t have a dog without permission, you can’t hang a picture without permission, without warning your rent can go up, and at any moment, the owner might decide to sell and you’re homeless. What seemed like stability and freedom was actually your contribution to someone else’s retirement.

You’d love to own your home.

You crave the stability, permanence, pride of ownership, and future that your own home would provide but it seems impossible. There are banks, lending, deposits, builders, repayments, interest rates, maintenance, developers, solicitors, and an ever-moving price goal post that seem to keep a home just out of reach. With nowhere else to turn you get stuck in a rental trap that never ends.

There’s another way.

First Home Specialists creates order to the chaos of building your first home. A dedicated specialist looks after you from start to finish.

We care about you, we’re invested in you. For us, it’s personal.

We will go the extra mile and get it done where no one else can.

We specialise in First Home Buyers, House and Land, Low Deposit Finance – this is what we do.
