How to Overcome Your Fears & Own Your First Home


As you think, so too shall you be.

A few years and about 20 kilos ago, I used to be a professional triathlete. Triathlon is arguably the hardest one-day event on the planet consisting of a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride, and a 42.2km run. If you are the best in the world, the race takes just under 8 hours. For everyone else, typically 12 to 16 hours.

Believe it or not, it was my dream as a young fella to become a professional one of these maniacs. After many years of blood, sweat, and tears, I finally made it to the professional ranks. My transition from amateur to pro was characterised by regular humbling by more seasoned professionals. I never missed a top 10, but I was never really in the mix.

Possibly the biggest issue lay between my ears. The people I was racing, whilst now my peers, were previously my idols. The imposter monster in my mind had taken over, and no matter how much evidence there was to the contrary, I simply didn’t think I belonged and my results reflected it.

It would be 2.5 years into my professional career before I finally broke through this self-imposed barrier. It was the National Short Course Championships (Short Course still goes for just under 2 hours!). I had a great swim and was in punishing form on the bike. I managed to break clear of the field and began the run with a small but healthy lead. It was only the second time I had ever led a race heading into the run.

As I started the run in a world of pain from the bike ride, I started rationalising my position and eventual loss. I wasn’t the strongest runner, if I could just hold on to this pace I should manage to come in 2nd or 3rd and still hold on to the podium. And so it began to play out. The field began to catch up.

Then, a thought occurred to me. Why the hell shouldn’t I win this? I trained harder than anyone else, I wanted it more than anyone else, why am I accepting excuses? With this thought, I went deep into the hurt locker and pulled out one of the best runs of my career. I went on to win the race and became the national champion.

The purpose of this story isn’t just to brag about being yesterday’s hero 😊

For me, there was a hugely important lesson about mindset in this race.

Often, I hear from clients that nothing ever works out, they will probably get declined. I hear them making excuses before we have even begun. It’s like they are willing their worst nightmares into existence.

If you think things aren’t going to work out, they probably won’t. Similarly, if you think they will work out, there is a good chance it will happen.

Setbacks, disappointments, and hurdles happen to everyone. What determines your success is not if you encounter adversity, it’s what you do when you encounter it.

As a quick exercise, go and grab a pen and paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left-hand side, write down all the limiting beliefs that you have. When you think of getting into your own home, what are the negative thoughts that stop you? Maybe you think you won’t be approved, maybe it’s too hard, maybe you assume someone will rip you off, or maybe you say nothing ever works out for you. Write everything down; do it now.

Welcome back.

What if everything just worked out? Ask yourself: Would that be okay with you?

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a world where everything just fell into place.

Now I want you to go down the right-hand side of the page and replace your limiting thought with a positive thought.

Next time your imposter monster steps in with a limiting belief, think back to this page and replace it with your positive thought. You deserve it.

80% of your outcomes are determined between your ears.

As you think, so too shall you be.

Stay positive. Be determined.

Let’s build some memories in a home you love.
