How a Flea Can Teach You to Leap into Home Ownership

Fleas’ ability to jump is incredible. They stand a little under 1.5mm high but they can jump an incredible 2 meters in the air. To put this in context, this is like you jumping over the Story Bridge from a standing start. 

An experimenter got a bunch of fleas and put them into a jar with a lid on top. To begin with, the fleas jumped into the lid trying to escape but after consistently hitting the top the fleas began to moderate their jumps not to hit the lid of the jar. When the experimenter removed the lid, the fleas would still only jump to just below the height of the now-removed lid. Even when the experimenter took the fleas out of the jar, they wouldn’t jump any higher than the height of the jar. They had conditioned themselves to believe that it was the highest they could jump. 

In many conversations with prospective First Home Buyers, I hear similarly self-imposed limits. They desperately want their own home but believe it is impossible or they are somehow not worthy of it and are waiting to be told “No, you can’t have that.” 

It doesn’t have to be that way. Anything anyone else has in this world is available to you, too. They either know something you don’t, or they will do something you won’t. Never was this truer than in my career as an athlete. People would constantly marvel at the athletic prowess of my peer group thinking that they were freaks of nature endowed with genetic gifts from the gods. Sure, there was a bit of genetics at play but mostly it was the monster work ethics of these athletes that led them to the top of their sporting endeavors. 

The same goes for you, too. If you want to get into a house, there will be a path to homeownership for you – it’s just a matter of finding it. There is a myriad of free information online, find someone you trust and deep dive into their content. You will find all the ‘secrets’ are hidden in plain sight.  

Do you know someone in your peer group who got into a home? Ask them how they did it. 

There is no doubt that buying your first home is challenging, daunting, and overwhelming, but it is possible if you know where to look and what to ask. 

Seek and so too shall you find. 

If you are stuck as to what you need to do to get into a home, you can check out the First Home Owner Scorecard here The scorecard will rate you against 5 key areas you need to master to buy a home and give you free tips and tricks to improve your score. 

If you are looking for content, I would recommend checking out our Youtube channel 

If you need some individual help, First Home Specialists offers First Home Buyers a free 15-minute ‘First Home Foundations Call’ which will assess your current position and give you an actionable plan to get you building memories in a home you love. You can book a call here:
